probably the worst project ever.
Nothing like spending 10 hours laminating, tracing, and cutting 1/16 inch bass wood into a complex multi dimensional planar grid system thing or what the fuck ever.
then your girlfriend drops a toy gun onto it and breaks off two pieces.
then you remake them in the hopes that you have enough scrap wood
of course then you have to laminate a piece of tracing parchment on top with elmers glue. in the hopes that it doesn't stretch off the surface and krinkle up into some dumb pointless time consuming tedious project hell.
then you cut a complex shape into it using a xacto knife and tons of tears.
dont be jealous.
I may have just found the ultimate piece of lunchmaking / music listening technology ever created.
It even has a line-in for an mp3 player! This takes picnics to a whole new level.
Witch King Helm Process Shots 2
Here are some more shots... mostly completed... A few more details need to be added, like embossing and and black oxide. I have the fabric and harness for the shroud ready to put in.